Can you believe it? I get a note from school yesterday that my handmade items are due on Wednesday instead of Friday! What are they doing to me? Forgive me, but there will not be tutorials on everything, because I had to slap together some things fast!
Here's what I've come up with:
Mens Leather Bracelet
This I had made before for my husband using leather cording. His is tied on, so for a gift I made one using ribbon enders. The tutorial for the sailor braid I found here.
Shrink Plastic Keychains
These are a super simply craft to make. Luckily I had shrink plastic that is able to go through the printer. All you need to do is choose an image, (kid's photos would be great for grandparents). Scale your image to double the size you want the finished piece to be. Print it, cut it, punch a hole for your chain, and bake according to the directions. Easy!

Button Earrings
Most of you can probably do without a tutorial on these cuties! Take an earring post, add E6000 glue, press button on, and let dry. Good thing I make these regularly, so no problem having posts and backs in the house.
Record Bowl
You've probably seen one of these before! I made two of these to send to school tomorrow. I'm not sure if anyone will want them. I actually have one I made, that is perfect for throwing my mail into.
Lastly, I made a placemat purse a couple of weeks ago that I was going to sell in my shop. I wasn't thrilled with the unfinished edges so I couldn't really put a price on it. Therefore, it becomes a gift. I had found a tutorial ages ago that gave me the idea for it. I will probably put up my own here shortly since I didn't use one anyway.
Sorry for the frantic blogging, but I'm running on adrenaline! I hope you like these ideas and that they inspire you to create!
Working Miracles,